Reg. Stabilizing the heli to hover
(too old to reply)
2010-07-30 16:58:25 UTC
I got a new blade cx2 a few days back. When I first flew it I could
see the the heli responding to trim adjustments (to prevent it from
going sideways or forward or turning… Sorry I just can’t remember the
correct terms here).
I also managed to get it to hover in one place. However now it seems
that the heli just does not want to respond. It keeps floating in the
N-W direwction. All the trim adjustments are all the way to the other
Any ideas why this can occur.. Would it matter that my lower rotor
blade is slight chipped when it banged against the wall?
Any inputs appreciated.
2010-09-15 10:45:54 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
blade cx2
N-W is not too useful a direction.
Looking from the rear, is the CX2 drifting to the right or left, and
forwards or backwards?

Usually, by figuring out the direction it's going, you can adjust the
length of the servo connecting rod by one turn make it longer on the
side towards the direction.

IF the CX2 is responding poorly, the shafts may be bent. Usually, this
is also accompanied by excessive vibration. You should also check blade
tracking. There is plenty of CX2 specific info on the web if you use
blade CX2 as the search term.
